Sunday, March 25, 2012

Scrappy Dog Sunday!

We finally got some sun yesterday which meant yard work for OMP and play time for the pups.

Jujube supervised OMP. I'm glad someone has him under control.
Juju supervising daddy with weeding

Pete did not want his picture taken yesterday. He was all about sunning and saying "hello" to the ladies.
Pete avoiding my camera

Can you tell Lola is 100% better? Can  you find Lola? Hee hee! Dog butt!
Find the dog...

 One of Lola's favorite spring and summer time things to do is jump in the bush beside the pond and hunt for mice and make sure that squirrels don't get in the bird feeder.

Words can not express how happy this makes me to see her playing again and running around. It's like we have a new dog!

I hope you and your fuzzy friends can enjoy some sunshine today. It is good for the soul.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like some good fun in the sun!! I really hope this weather sticks around. We're enjoying it too.
