Friday, April 6, 2012

Feel Good Friday!

 via ivory lux tumblr.
Oh my lordy! It's Friday! I am ready to make this weekend amazing and beautiful!

Sailor Girl

I'm pretty sure I just died and went to heaven. This needlework is AMAZING, like I might just pee my pants amazing. Hanging by a Thread stitched this wonderful piece of work up. For us stitchy nerds, she stitched this up with silver passing thread and couched down with one single cotton thread. Check out her blog for more on this piece and other great works of art.

I would get this pillow for Pete, but he can't read. BTW, I really want to give credit to the person who stitched this, so if you know, please let me know. They are brilliant and deserve recognition.

This camper makes me miss our little vintage Ruby. One day I will be a Sister on the Fly! How can you not love a cowgirl caravan?

So very very true...add a little mud and you have a lover dog.

Alright my silly little beasts! OMP is walking through the door and that means some smoochy smooches and I was promised a night out on the town. Wish me luck! I might be able to stay awake till 8:00! Have a great weekend.

Every object, every being,is a jar of delight

1 comment:

  1. Hope you guys had a fun, Friday night! I saw that toot pillow recently too :) :)!! So funny.
