Wednesday, June 13, 2012

41 Years

 via revelment

This Saturday is my 42nd birthday and I was going to write about 41 things I have learned this year but that got kind of exhausting. I thought about cutting it half and that was still too much and I finally decided on maybe 3 things I've learned this year. 3 is doable and it's probably the most honest amount.

I have learned that I am not ashamed of my age or my body. It has carried me through many trials and the lines on my face show every tear, every laugh and every memory. My body is not perfect to everyone but it is to me. I love my curves, my crooked smile, my hysterical laugh. Just today I was looking at my hands and I saw my mother's hands. It made me feel connected.

Sometimes people who you think are there for you, really aren't. I have thought friends were there for me when I fell but instead they kept walking, but the most beautiful thing is that there was an unexpected hand to help me up. Sometimes the people on the sidelines are the best friends to have. They are not running the race or fighting the battle but cheering you on. 

The grass is not greener on the other side. Instead, you should nourish your own lawn. People may have more and seem happier, but in reality, they have the same problems as you. They cry, just like you. They have doubts, just like you. Everyone (except my dogs) look like crap in the morning. It is just a fact. Learn to love your life and appreciate the small things your are blessed with. 

I know I was only going to give you 3, but I couldn't resist this bonus lesson. It's probably the most important lesson of all! Ready for it? Lighten up! Make that choice to accept happiness in your life and laugh. Laugh loud!

I hope that my 41 years of wisdom have made you think or at least give you a little giggle. I promise the next year will be equally as awesome. Watch out 42! You are in for a butt kicking! YAHOO!!!!


  1. Naturally I will send you birthday greetings this weekend, but I also wanted to tell you here how very awesome you are, and how much I love you. You make me look forward to the rapidly-approaching 40 - you even make it seem FUN! I am lucky to have your love and support in my corner, even though we are a continent apart. Big huge birthday hugs and giant fruity boozy daquiris from me to you!

  2. happy birthday miss kittykill :)
    i think you are an awesome rock star ninja queen <3

  3. Happy Birthday!

    I dreaded the 40's, but now that I'm here, they really aren't so bad. Some of the happiest times of my life have been in my 40's. :)

  4. I'll be hitting the big 4-0 in September and this made sound weird but I am actually looking forward to it! Happy early birthday and I love the life lessons!

  5. I want to say right now, Happy Birthday, gorgeous! Thank you for being a friend (cue Golden Girls music) this past week. I am lucky to have you on my sidelines, cheering me on. You are beautiful and brilliant. Thank you for being -you-.

  6. Happy birthday!! I hope you guys have a great weekend.

    You are a beautiful person inside and out. I'm so happy that our paths have crossed and that I get to call you a friend.

    Love you, mean it!!

  7. I am often accused of taking life too seriously. Amen sister. Happy Belated Birthday and many many more.
