Thursday, February 14, 2013

Who Loves Ya, Baby!

Happy Valentine's Day to my favorite people in the whole world! I hope that you are getting a ton of smooches and lots of chocolate on this day o' love!

If you are looking for last minute items to make your sweetie, you should try these faux sun catchers. Seriously, I cannot tell you how quickly these can be whipped up!

Between making craft videos and pinching OMP's butt, I did a little craft swap with a few friends. I made them little valentine mailboxes.

I filled them up with extra goodies like superhero lollipops!
And since I was on a roll, I decided to make all the Craftster moderators an extra little treat.
Whew! That is a lot of love to hand out! Mama's tired! I am off to get some much needed rest. OMP is cooking up a yummy dinner and I plan on sitting back and relaxing. Love you guys!


  1. Happy Smoochy Smooch Day to you! You make cute stuffs!

  2. Oh, oh! I see my box! Can't tell you what a joy it was to open this last night, Pam! I was oohing and aahing all over the house, taking in all the little details and special touches you added, so much good stuff! I love, love, love it! And I love the little sucker, too! Oxoxoxoxo! Happy Valentine's Day, sweet stuff!

  3. I think all lollipops should come in disguise! It's just too cute!
