Monday, July 1, 2013

Cool Stitching

Over the weekend the heat was a little more than the pups could take so instead of worshiping the sun gods, I stayed inside with the A/C blowing on me, stitching, while Lola, Pete and Jujube crashed around me. I decided to watch a few shows I had on my Amazon Prime watchlist. 

The first show was London Hospital. Such a great series. Unfortunately, BBC only filmed 2 season. Boo on that! The series is set during the industrial revolution in London. It centers around the famous London Hospital. Be warned! This show can be gory! It depicts the era with gritty realism. The stories are based on newspaper clippings, journals and hospital records. At the end of each episode they give you a bit more information about the history of the story. 

After watching London Hospital, I needed something a bit lighter, so I went with Sherlock. Yes, I know...I'm late to the party about this one. Can I just say, BRILLIANT! Love this series and I can't wait for the next season. The story is set in modern London with the usual suspects, Sherlock Holmes, Watson and Moriarty playing games, creating and solving crimes. Steven Moffit of Dr. Who fame has his hands all over this series, which makes for excellent writing and producing. 

What are you catching up on this summer? Any series that you are just dying over that I need to see? There are a lot of hot days and a lot of stitching ahead of me. 

1 comment:

  1. I just know I'll have to watch Sherlock just because it's Kahn and Bilbo (together at last).
