Friday, August 29, 2014

Feel Good Friday

Well hello long weekend! How are you doing? Might I say that you are looking mighty fine...All Friday'd up! Let's see what mama has got for you! 

My friend Krissi is awesome. She is full of sass and did I mention that she has a Jack (and a new puppy!). I love her artwork and she does custom work. The boxes above are just a few of my favorites. I need to have her do a portrait of my babes. Her skelekitties are to die for!  Check out these pieces as well as her other kick ass work on Facebook HERE. 

This scarf is absolutely breathtaking! It would look good dressed up or down with a pair of cowboy boots and jeans. You can find them on Shovava's Etsy shop. They are not very expensive and Christmas isn't that far away (hint hint OMP!)

I am obsessed with crochet hooplas right now. I think they would look great in my gypsy themed bedroom. AterGcrochet has this great pattern for a Crocheted Mandala. Who wants to teach me to crochet?

Oh man! So much goodness this Friday, I can't stand it! Iggy is trying to tell me to get off the computer and enjoy the day. I think I will take his advice. Before I're welcome!



  1. I'll give you a crochet lesson anyday, lady! Let me know some colors you like and I'll make a practice one :D

  2. Thanks, Pam!! Your blogs are bright spots in my week - and this one just made my Friday even brighter!
