Friday, September 26, 2014

Feel Good Friday

Can you feel it? Fall is here! You can smell the difference in the air. No longer is our house filled with the beach and summer. We have switched over to our fall smells and decor. I love it! 

Do you have kids or maybe, like me, you are big kid yourself. Either way, you should check out the Octonauts. The books and show have been around for some time but on the Disney channel, they are still going strong. Think Thunderbirds meet Sea Lab with cute animals and you have the Octonauts. You can read their books, see all their adventures and see other amazing art from Meomi HERE. PS-the toys are ADORABLE! 

Cooler temps can only mean that it is time for me to assess my scarf situation. I love scarfs! I really should learn to crochet better or even try my hand at knitting. In the meantime, I can always sew a new scarf for this fall. Flamingo Toes put together a great list of 30 DIY scarves to make that require no knitting needles. Check out their awesome list. 

It had to be done....

If this is your dog or you know whose dog it is, please let me know so I can come over and smooch it, 

Well cats and kittens, mama has got a lot of work to do this weekend. It's time for me to jump off the couch and get to it. Hope your weekend is filled with silly animals, puppies to kiss and thoughts of the fall season. 

Hans Christian Andersen

1 comment:

  1. Wish it would hurry up and get cooler here. I am soooooo ready to break out the scarves!
