Friday, August 7, 2009

Feel Good Friday!

The weekend is FINALLY here! Although this has been a hellish week, I've decided to put it behind me and enjoy the festivities at the NW Tiki Kon. This year there will be a little bit of a twist. It's going to be a Speak Easy. It runs for the whole weekend with a big shindig Saturday night at Tony Starlight's. One of my favorite parts of the event is the home bar tour which is on Sunday. I love seeing how people fix up their home bars and the drinks are always super yummy.

I love old school tattoo flash art. Rachelmckay's piece on flickr is amazing! Plus, I love her new "do". You can check out more of her work on flickr, her blog and on

There are few things in my life that make me happy. 1-OMP, 2-My dogs, 3-Candy and 4- a great cocktail. helps out with 2 of those things! They have party themes, tips on entertaining, recipes and a great blog. I was instantly sucked in by their Sesame Street Candy Buffet. Forget the kids! I want this party!

Okay, so I don't have any kids-not really my cup of tea, but I couldn't resist these super cute baby onsies from I have plenty of nieces and nephews that would look super cute in these.What's that? You don't have any little ones in your life, they have adult sizes too so you can look super crafty and super cute. No, they don't have the onsie in adult sizes, silly-they have cute shirts.(if you want an onsie in adult size, I'm not sure we can be friends anymore-*shudders*)Check it out!

I feel so much better now!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout-out Pam!! I'm glad you like my new 'do too :)
