Sunday, August 9, 2009

Scrappy Dog Sunday!

Gus, Gus, Gus, what can I say about you that hasn't already been said? He is a sweet, cute little man that I just want to hug and kiss! Just who is Mr. Gus? What makes him such a lady's man? Let's find out.

Gus, you seem like a man of mystery, can you tell the us more about yourself?

Well my name is Gus. My mom calls me Gusgus, gustus, pappa. I am a Boston Terrier and I was sort of an ugly duckling but now I am becoming a handsome fella. Mom loves me no matter what. I have a great personality and pretty much am quite the charmer. I am pretty well behaved and love to learn new tricks. So far I can sit, shake, lay down, high five, jump, and roll over. Mom wants to teach me to play dead... sort of morbid if you ask me. I am the mascot of my mothers craft group and love to give kisses and nibbles. I have an under bite so I have a silly little voice that I talk to mom with.

When you are not being a man of mystery, what are some of your favorite things to do?
I love to herd the chickens in their coop, sleep under the covers, snuggling, run and dig at the beach, playing with my stuffed duck, walking around the lake, going to the dog park, bugging my dog aunt Lola, Eating June Bugs, hopping around in the bushes.

Are you a momma's boy or a daddy's boy?
Mommas boy.... HELLO!

Do you have a favorite toy, food, treat, song?
My favorite toys are my kong, tug-a-jug, my lobster, stuffed duck, and any water bottle laying around. My favorite food is ice cream cones, I love to share with my mother. Mom said they are not good for me but I give her puppy eyes so she lets me have a lick! My favorite song is "Who let the dogs out"

What's your motto in life?
You smelt it you dealt it....

Good words to live by Gus. This is why I love you!


  1. MY PAPA Gustus... Hes such a handsome little man!

  2. Oh, I love Boston terriers so much, and Gus is a sterling example of this sweet, lovable breed!

  3. OMG - those are the cutest BT pics ever!

  4. Gus is adorable! I just love his littly buggy eyes!
