Friday, May 14, 2010

Feel Good Friday!

Oh my! Am I late with Feel Good Friday! Sorry! I've been out all day running around, taking care of a hurt puppy and having yummy cocktails with friends. Whew! I'm ready for bed! Don't worry my faithful followers, I have a few things up my sleeve before I head into to la la land.

It was beautiful in the rose city today so the shorts were on, the flipflops were flopping and I was looking for a yummy tiki drink to wet my whistle. Well, I found the tiki drink but you can not have a fruity cocktail without a stylin' mug. Munktiki is your place for the most amazing tiki mugs known. A lot of these are collector's items but once you are finished with your drinky drink, you can display and the ladies and gents will think you are the coolest.

I just love this sassy girl. lagidgettet's work looks like it was taken straight from a teen girl magazine. Just too adorable.

I came across Scoutie Girl one day and was instantly in love. I can not believe how amazing this blog is.  The crafts range from sweet to edgy, the writing is so personable that you feel like your best friend is giving you the inside scoop. There is a ton of information on this site so sit back, fix yourself a glass of iced tea and enjoy great inspirations

BABY DUCKS! I would be the one with the 'tude in front. 

Okay, I am going to get off this computer for the night and kick back with OMP and the pups. I think Pete needs more kisses to make him feel  better. 

Don't ask yourself what the world needs;
ask yourself what makes you come alive.
And then go and do that.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
-Harold Whitman


  1. Thank you for turning me onto Muntiki.

  2. That is our family portrait isn't it? You out front, me to your right catchin your back!

    Whatssamatta Pete? Give him a kiss from Petey.
