Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wild Card Wednesday-A Leap of Faith

Lately I have been struggling with what to write about on Wednesdays so instead of sticking to one thing-I'm going to have a Wild Card Wednesday. Basically, anything I want to write about-I will. The next couple of weeks I will be focusing on Leaps of Faith-both with myself and all the wonderful peeps out there. So....sit back and enjoy the ride. I guarantee your stomach will drop and you will feel a little woozy but you will beg for more.

I'm not sure if many of you know, but I worked for a crisis line for almost 8 years. I have seen and heard just about everything. I saw the worst in people-literally. Recently I decided to leave. I didn't leave because I was burned out. I love helping people but decided that I wanted to do something different in my life. Now, here's where the crazy part comes in. For the first time in my life, I didn't have a solid back up plan. No solid job to go to, not a huge year amount of savings. Just an idea to venture out to a new life and an awesome husband supporting me. It is the first time that I didn't have a plan "B". I know it seems scary and sometimes it is to me but it has also renewed my faith in myself, my family and friends. Because I don't have a lot of extra cash (really, who does these days) it makes me appreciate what I have more and is allowing me to rediscover what and who are important to me. I am taking time to spend with my husband, my dogs and myself. It is a beautiful feeling.

So, when I said I didn't have a plan "B", I wasn't completely honest. I do sorta. Actually, I have lofty ideas. I want to go back to school and get my degree in Spanish/Rural studies. I want to work with family farms and farm workers. What I really want to do is to show the connection between rural and urban communities and how we can work together. I also want to preserve the history of the family farm/rural community.

Am I scared of what's around the corner? You bet, but I'm even more excited! Will I stay this positive and level headed? I hope so. I know there will be rough days and I'm this is a huge thing for me to jump into. Sometimes you just need to take that first leap and see how you land.

Do you have a leap of faith story? Something you just dived into? Let me know! I want you to inspires us.


  1. I just recently returned to college after a loooong hiatus. Between work, the kids, the house, blah blah blah, it's been tiring. So I guess you could say it's a leap of faith--faith in myself to get 'er done. :)

    Your plan to work with farms sounds really interesting. Good luck with your studies! I've found that even with the distractions, it's easier this time around. (Well, so far, anyway.) Maybe life experience has something to do with that... :-D

  2. I'm going to nursing school. I'll be 36 when I start. A whole bunch of things happened at once to make this the exact right time to follow another dream, so I'm going for it.

    I'm wishing you the best. Life is too short for just one career.

  3. Well, after 25 years I am pursing my high school diploma. Not many people know, I'm keeping it sort of hush, hush.
    I'm in classes now and after I pass my GED I am going to college full time.
    I'm taking charge of me. :-)

    Best of luck on your new adventure Pam!!

  4. SPANISH!!!??? I know a good tutor should ever need one. ;)

    I think what you are doing is brave and exciting. I took one myself several years ago and I am fabulously happy now for having done so.

  5. I love your non-plan plan! I'm proud to know you and call you Sister!

    I don't know as I have any inspiring moments to share. I am just constantly amazed that I have survived all that I have and am still relatively sane.

  6. You inspire me...thank you! It is a gift you have to make the world a better place! Awesome!

    The older I get...the faster time flies. Sometime back I really needed to take a leap of faith, make a change and I just 'flat out' decided to live the life I imagined. It gets easier as time so by. What's most important is to remind myself that every day is a gift from God 'the present', and could be my last. God wants the best for all of us.
    Have you heard of frogging it?...Fully Rely On God. It's not easy but I just keep trying when obstacles get in the way. I have a sign by my door that reads - Happiness is a decision.
    Wishing you the very best!

  7. I'm livin' my leap!

    And have never been so content! I love you Pam! You will be awesome no matter where this new road takes ya! I'm excited for you!
