Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cause I'm Nice

Maybe it's because I'm super nice or maybe it's because I'm lazy but I decided to have a giveaway today. I'm giving away not one but TWO super cool books! You heard me! TWO SUPER COOL BOOKS!

First we have a great book that I reviewed on Feeling Stitchy, Bags In Bloom. This book not only gives you patterns to embroidery but also patterns for different purses

Second we have the wonderful Design It Yourself Clothes. This book gives you the abc's on pattern design so you can be the next Project Runway winner!

Now, what do you have to do to win these two awesome books? Leave your answer to the following question:

What is your favorite season?

A winner will be announced next Thursday so hurry up and enter to win!


  1. Autumn! The crisp blue sky, the colors, the smell of burning leaves, spiced ciders, Halloween, and more!

  2. Ohhh that bag book looks awesome!

    Hands down, the best season is autumn. The insane humidity of summer is gone, the crisp air means cozy sweaters, scarves and hats. And the leaves - I wish the fall colors lasted longer because I could stare at them forever.

  3. Spring is the best! Flowers blooming, rain...raining, crisp yummy air mmmmmm

  4. OOOhhh a giveaway...I would love to win either of those items!

    Fall is my favorite season, I love the cool crisp air, crunchy leaves, pumpkins, cidar...I could go on and on.

  5. I'm torn between spring and fall, love the cooler weather of both, but I'll have to go with spring because it means my birthday (and no snow for good long while).

  6. Fall/ my brain they are one long perfect season.

    Soooooo close!

  7. It used to be summer, before I lived somewhere where it is actually TOO HOT to go outside in summer. So I would say Fall/Autumn. Love the colors, the hot apple cider, the anticipation of Halloween and Thanksgiving (which I just love). Also = wearing boots. I've already picked out the perfect pair for this year.

  8. My favorite is by far Autumn. The cool weather, changing leaves, my Birthday and Halloween!!! Plus it all ends with my step mother's wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.

  9. Fall has to be my absolute favorite season. It the one season that puts all my senses into overdrive from the lush leaves crunching underfoot to the sweet smells of fresh pumpkin and apple pies.

  10. What a fantastic giveaway!
    Autumn is my favourtie season, the colours, textures, smells are rich, beautiful and intoxicating.

  11. Autumn, hands down! Back to school, harvest festivals, baking, apples, pumpkins,Indian corn, hay rides, and the whole "holidays are coming!" feeling! Love it!

  12. I think my favorite season is spring. I live in northern Minnesota, and it is so nice after months of snow and below zero temps to see the trees start to green up again. There's water everywhere, and the songbirds come back. It's wonderful! : )

  13. autumn... because Halloween is my favourite holiday hands down! And this October we get to fly out to visit my parents in Idaho for 2 weeks...I am over the moon as we havent gone to the states in fall for 2 years and I have been pining for pumpkin patches, autumn leaves and HALLOWEEN!

  14. oh summer for sure. I live in San Diego where we don't really get seasons. EXCEPT for summer. I love the long days and warm nights. oh summer I could kiss you!

  15. Ohh baby you are nice :)
    My favorite season is indian summer in San Francisco, we don't get the summer weather here until September and it's so nice when it hits! Almostttttttttttt ;)

  16. I love fall! I think it must be Halloween, crunchy leaves, and that wonderful fall smell. Although I live in a place were fall is often fleeting and sometimes we go from summer right to winter!

  17. Fall and Winter. I love Sunny days full of falling leaves, and Sunshine on fresh snow that blinds me at the same time it makes me smile! I love Halloween and Thanksgiving, but my wedding anniversary is 4 days after Christmas and my birthday is two weeks after that! I love the gray days of February and the soft, cool days of March that whisper of Spring.

  18. So lovely!
    My favorite season is used to be due to the pretty blooms, but now that I live in Florida it's because it's the best temperature of the year!

  19. SPRING! Fall is nice, but since it leads to winter and my SADD acting up, spring wins. Love the flowers and the rain-cleaned air of spring.

  20. Autumn! It has always been Autumn. Cooler weather, football, my birthday, football, sweater wearing, football, Halloween and football.

    Thanks for the chance to win. I have been lusting for the bag embroidery book!

  21. It's a toss up for me between Fall and Spring. I love the feeling of new beginnings and blooms in Spring, but I adore the crisp feeling of Fall. We don't get much a Winter in Vancouver, rain mostly, and I love the cloudy, but beautiful-ness that is out city...
