Friday, August 27, 2010

Feel Good Friday!

 Picture courtesy of fabricio leal

For the love of all things holy, I am SO tired this Friday. I'm pretty sure it's because Lola and Pete decided at 5am that they wanted to play chase and sprung out of bed chasing eachother. It's a good thing they are cute, otherwise they would be going in the stew pot. Let's see what I have for you on this sleepy Friday.

Cross Stitch Ninja kicks major butt! This is an EMBROIDERED Lego plans. You should also check out her embroidered loom part. It will blow you away!

I absolutely LOVE history and the Wessels Living History Farm keep me supplied in farming and in wonderful history. I haven't been yet but one day I hope to make it. In the meantime, I will continue to read the website.

The past few days the weather has been a bit crisp which gets me in the mood for fall, specifically hunkering down for some cool weather stitching. I found this pattern and just adore it. I can't wait to stitch it up. It is so me!
For those of you who haven't seen it yet. A new Craftster video starring yours truly with cameos of Pete, Jujube and Mark's hand.

Alright my pretties. I am completely wiped out. I'm gonna put my feet up, turn on a bad movie and "rest" my eyes. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Get out there and enjoy the last days of summer or the beginnings of fall.

Optimist: Person who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.
~Mark Twain


  1. I think I'm jealous of that content napping puppy! ;)

  2. Pam, I have been thinking about your Interview Post for several days now and wrote a post myself today that reflects how wonderful I think that post was. Coming here today to tell you this, I am beyond delighted to find your charming video. I am definitely going to have to make these cupcakes! You are just too cute for words! PS. your puppy dogs are as well! Thank you so much for all that you share, it is always such fun to visit here! Elizabeth

  3. Don't ya just love when the kids wake you up waaaaayyyy to early!?

    There is something about that video.....
    Well done my Dear!

  4. I love the video! You are all too cute! :)
