Friday, February 18, 2011

Feel Good Friday!

Awww man! The weekend is here and I am happy about that! Did you survive? Are you ready to get a little dirty?  I know I am!

This is just too sweet. The bunny is a pin. Refabulous does beautiful embroidery (check out her butterfly), super cute pin cushions and this little guy...

I have become a gardening nut and can't wait to move to the country to have a little hobby farm with goats, chickens, a wonderful barn...until then I can The Fearless FarmGirl blog. Patty is very sweet and I love reading about her adventures in gardening and making treats for her dog. My favorite entry is the one about WalMart.

Time to start planting your seeds and getting your plants ready for spring. Even if you live in a tiny apartment, you can still grow something-a little herb garden, tomatoes, a strawberry pot. Try it! You will find such a reward in getting dirty and growing your own food. Burpee seeds are well known for their catalog and are probably the most commercial out there. If you are looking for something wonderfully rare and exotic, check out Heritage Harvest. Both offer great seeds and advice on their sites.

I need this gardening apron. NEED IT!

EEEP! I can't wait to get my gardening on! Maybe I'll even start with some indoor herb gardens this weekend. A little rosemary in my life, a little bit of thyme on the side.....Enjoy your weekend-get out there and GROW!


  1. Oh, I'm inspired now! I want to grow tomatoes, zucchini, herbs and try to start rhubarb and asparagus plants. I'd kind of like to do a raised garden like this:

    I'm not sure yet. It's my first home so I'm excited!

  2. I have raised beds and I love them! We have raspberries in one and then veggies in two others with more going in this year. Yeah! I can't wait to see what you grow!

  3. I still need some fencing to keep the deer away from my roses and veggies. But I think we have finally filled in the area I want to garden this year. It will be the third place we are trying in 5 years. Stoopid trees that grow taller.

    I love all the pics but that apron has one thing that is NEVER allowed in the garden! No cellies in the Garden - evah.

  4. Awwwww....shucks. ;-)

  5. I already have a greenhouse of plants I get to work in everyday! It is freezing cold and not even above 0 outside, but I'm playing in the dirt! Too bad they aren't all for me! I have to make things pretty for the public!

  6. I love to garden and plant oodles of herbs and veggies every year.
    We also have lots of pretty plants and flowers in both our front and back yard.
    Gardening is rewarding and relaxing, hope to see some pics of goodies you grow!

  7. I really miss my garden! I need a house again!
