Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Moments That Take Your Breath Away

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry that I have been MIA for the past couple of days. Reality once again has gotten in the way of me having fun.  OMP and I loss a family friend  and quite honestly, it has hit us like a ton of bricks.

The loss of a friend not only breaks your heart but also has you questioning your own mortality. It makes you wonder if you have everything in order and even more so, makes you think about the things that you haven't done yet. Here's the thing about life-it is short and it can be taken away at any minute, hell, any second.

The most amazing thing about death is how it reminds us to live. It reminds us to love. It reminds us how limited time really is. Last night, I sat on the couch with my husband, we held each other, with dogs crawling all over us, and all I could think of was how blissful it was. How fortunate I am and how I now had a wonderful memory of my family for the future. If I left this world tomorrow, this one moment in time has been captured and will bring a smile to OMP's face for the rest of his life. How beautiful is that?

I'm not trying to be morbid or a downer, on the contrary, I am trying to get you to see how wonderful you are and how wonderful everything around you should be. You need to smell the flowers, jump in more puddles, down more pixie sticks and pop rocks! Catch a snowflake on your tongue. Look up at the stars. My only request is don't do it alone! Take a loved one with you-it could be your snuggle bunny, your silly cat, or the lazy dog. Just let someone share that memory with you!

The people we love can be taken away in an instance and that truly tugs my soul in different directions. I weep for the loss and celebrate life in the same breath. I try to reason with the loss and figure out a way to make my own life more meaningful. The one thing that I do know is that every little minute should be celebrated, even the crappy ones. Those crappy minutes can teach you a lot, but that lecture is for another day. Life isn't the breath you take, but the moments that take your breath away.


  1. Sadly I can relate to your message today. In the last 3+ years I have lost my only granddaughter and my mother and the love of another family member. It has taught me so much and I'm thankful for the lessons however difficult they were to endure. Family is everything, love is where you find it and appreciate all the little kindnesses you are given and are able to give others.

  2. I'm so sorry for you loss Pam...but your post is very thought provoking. Yes, death makes us question our own mortality and it should make us stop for a moment and relish in the small things.

    Keep on keeping on my friend.

  3. What a beautiful post, thank you for it. Very little happens for no reason. If you learn from each experience, nothing is ever wasted. Condolences......
