Friday, April 22, 2011

Feel Good Friday

Yahoo! The sun is shining and it's warming up and (this is a big one), IT'S FRIDAY! Oh yeah, get funky, shake yer money maker! Whoot! Whoot!

While most of the world is giggling over a baby penguin getting tickled (Lola LOVES that video, by the way) I decided to pull out an oldie but a goodie. Everyone needs puppies to brighten their day.

I love The Trouble with Crafting. She has the best stitchy tutorials! I swear, this girl can do anything and do it fast! She can multitask like no one's business!

I think OMP needs this tie for Easter. Get it...Easter...Ha! I crack myself up. What? I'm funny!

Whew! I started this post earlier in the day and got caught up in the sunshine. OOPS! I'm sure you understand. Mama needs her vitamin D and play time with OMP and the pups. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend full of sunshine and smiles.

If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.
-Katharine Hepburn


  1. Happy Friday my lovely friend!
    There is nothing cuter than puppies :D
    Big hugs to you xox

  2. Awww...thank you Pam. :D

    That puppy video is too darned cute!

    And I agree about the tie!

  3. Hee hee Easter (Island) Tie. I get it!

    Hope the rest of your weekend is sunny and warm.
