Wednesday, April 20, 2011

So Frustrated

I think I've hit a road block. Everything I am making is turning out horrible. I have a crafty block! I've lost my mojo! AGGGGGGGGHHHH! Has this every happen to you? I was so frustrated the other night that I threw my stitching into the fire. OMP told me I was having a hissy fit, but slowly backed off when I told him he was going into the fire next.

I've decided to take a little break from stitching and concentrate on other crafts, baking and gardening. Never fear, I will be back at it in a week or so-probably sooner cause I can't stay away for more than a day or two.

Have you lost your crafting mojo before? What do you do to get it back?


  1. I have - I went through a time when I hated everything I made. Taking a break helps.

    I hope you get your mojo back soon!

  2. You will get it back, 'cos you are brilliant. OK? xo

  3. do some yoga - clear your mind!

  4. I totally get it! I've been there several times. Actually I just came out of a slump. A new project usually helps. Something I am excited about to get me started again! Good luck getting back your mojo!

  5. I'm in the process of trying to find where I misplaced my crafting mojo... I know I left it around here somewhere. :)

  6. I feel ya, I often work in spurts. Sometimes, I can't get enough. Other times, everything I touch turns to crap. A breather is good. You'll get so caught up in other things that there will come a time when you can't wait to get back to crafting. xoxo

  7. Often! That's why I keep so many irons in the fire. Not only does it make me mildly insane (who isn't?) but when I get aggravated with one thing, I skip on over to another lovely thing. Wreaks havoc on my UFO list; it just keeps growing. But it keeps things fresh!
