Friday, June 24, 2011

Feel Good Friday!

Check out Gayana on etsy. Awesomeness!

Doing the happy Friday dance or should I say the happy Friday hula hoop! Yep! I have reverted back to my childhood and bought a hula hoop today. Let me tell ya, it was a lot easier when I was eight. Guess what? I didn't stop there-I got me some sidewalk chalk too and I've been drawing hearts and flowers all over the drive way. It's pretty awesome!

I have two friends and they are both AWE-SOME (said in my best Oprah voice), Alwaysinspired  and Digital Misfit, both of which have frequented the pages of this blog. Okay, where was I? Let's see...friends, blog....oh yeah-Alwaysinspired made Jacques for Digital Misfit and I instantly fell in love.  Don't tell OMP, but I may have to leave him for Jacques....

I was inspired by's birthday in a box, so I made a Luau picnic basket. It was so easy and you can find my tutorial on

I LOVE mod podge! I think I want to mod podge everything around the house. It's a good thing the dogs are constantly moving. Mod Podge Rocks! is an awesome blog with super cool projects.

Okay you crazy kids, I would love to sit here and chat all night but I've got hula hooping to do. I figure in a week I will be an expert and the pups will be able to do some tricks so we can run off and join the circus.

picture courtesy of

If you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything.
Win Borden


  1. LOL Jacques is a taken man - he spends his days and nights in my bed. That photo was taken in my backyard on the one day I allowed him outside.
    Deana said she even has a pattern for a circus ringmaster pillow buddy (but I can totally picture you with a sexy 'stached cowboy!)

  2. Love the outfit! Makes me want to run down to the market, take a cart and put it on my neighbor's roof. Feeling prankish. CM

  3. Running off to join the circus you say?! Maybe you'll have to have a bit of help with that! LOL
    I'm sure OMP wouldn't get too jealous!

  4. Great blog, sweetie! Here's another happiness quote for you:

    "Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy you a big boat so you can sail up real close to it!"
    - David Lee Roth
