Sunday, June 26, 2011

Scrappy Dog Sunday!

Holy macaroni! This weekend has been a little trying. Sometimes the world is an angry, scary place. When I feel overwhelmed by being "out there", I take a step back, breathe, and remind myself that 1) that certain people and situations are small compared to the grand scheme of life and 2) I really should adopt my dogs' philosophy of life. I'm pretty sure they have it all figured out.

 Take a step back, breathe, and reflect

Surround yourself with the ones you love (naps are the best way to do that!)

  Do something fun

 Speak your mind if you need to

Most of all, Relax, enjoy the ride, and make silly faces


  1. I love how animals live in the moment and relish every experience. :)

  2. Such good advice! Our pups really know how to live.

  3. I agree with the pups! :)

    I call my cat Furbutt too. lol

  4. Sometimes I have to pause just to watch Booker explode with joy over something as simple as an impending walk or car ride. I wish I could experience that kind of unbridled excitement just ONCE as an adult!

  5. Tis a very healthy attitude you have Sis! Watching the critters frolic always lifts my mood.
