Monday, September 17, 2012

Free is a Very Good Price

I'll admit it, I'm cheap-at least that's what the bathroom wall says. ZING!

Seriously, I love free. Free ice cream, free kisses from OMP and free movies. There are so many places on the internet to find free movies and TV that you could dump your cable right now!

Some of the best places to find free TV shows is to go directly to the source. Most networks have their own websites and you can watch episodes a day or two or even a few hours after the original episode airs. Not only do the websites show the episodes but they have little gems hidden on the site. Maybe a free game or outtakes from the show.

One of current favorite online free movie sites is Retrovision. They are a great source for so many public domain movies. From classic TV shows to those bad educational films we watched as kids, they have it all. It seems like they update daily so definitely keep going back to check out the new goodies.

Maybe you want something a bit more current, then you should check out Hulu. They do have an upgrade if you want more content but we are talking free here, so skip the upgrade and check out current shows and some old classic movies. You do have to put up with commercials, but c'mon, it's free. 

The last free site that I love is Crackle. They have current and classic movies, TV shows and originals. Once again, you have to put up with a few commercials, but you are getting some top quality movies and shows for free.

 There ya go! A few free sites for your viewing pleasure. I know there are million more out there. Do you have a favorite? Any site you would recommend? I am constantly looking for sites, because, free is a very good price.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the free information. I have watched every Rhoda episode since finding Hulu! Again, I loved your craft video. MTM has got nothing on you! Have a great week! E
