Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Final Countdown

We are in the final week before OMP goes in for surgery. We have been getting the house ready for the rainy season along with the upcoming holidays. I insist on taking on more and more of the "man's" work around the house...the heavy lifting, taking out the trash, things like that. I refuse to be helpless when he is in the hospital or recovering. I figure by the end of all this, my arms will be guns! POW! POW! Firepower! 

We are also planning out work, foods and sleeping arrangements. I really want all of this to go as smooth as possible so when he does come home, the only thing we have to worry about is bubble wrapping him for when the dogs jump up and making sure he is as comfortable as possible. 

Something changed in my mindset last week. It was like a light that just clicked. Every since we found out the news, I have been thinking of the worst case scenario. I'm not sure who or what turned the switch in my mind, but my mindset is now how healthy OMP is going to be and how much better his and our life will be. It was as if someone was whispering in my ear that everything is going to be okay. No matter what, it will be okay...and I finally believe them. 

One thing that I am sorry about is not keeping up on my blogging. I love writing our daily adventures but unfortunately, sometimes reality gets in the way. Please know, however, that once we are settled again, we will be back in full force. 

So that's where we are at right now. Just waiting and hoping for the best. Thanks for understanding the absence right now. Thanks for sticking around and thanks for being so awesome! 

Pam and OMP

PS-when all this is over, OMP better take me to Vegas and Disneyland. 


  1. We are rooting you and OMP on! Everything is going to be perfect, or as dang close as it can be! Stay strong and don't forget to have something to stitch while you are waiting in the hospital! Love and hugs!

  2. i'll be keeping you and OMP in my thoughts :)

  3. Good luck! Sounds like he has a great nurse to take care of him!
