I just recently met the sweetest and probably the cutest person EVER on flickr. Lovely Little Deer. She is beyond belief adorable, talented and amazingly beautiful. Oh yeah, did I mention that she likes scifi? She basically rocks!

Please share a little bit about yourself with us.
My name is Rebecca, I'm 34 years old. I live in England, In a lovely town by the sea. I'm married to David, my soulmate and best friend and we have 3 amazing kitty cats and 2 awesome chihuahua dogs.
I love to spend a lot of time at home, I'm a real homebody. When at home I love to cook and bake for friends and family, play with the furry kids and craft.
I love to go swimming, I swim nearly every day and I do yoga and pilates every week. I suffer from Fibromyalgia which causes a lot of pain and stiffness in my joints and the swimming etc really helps me manage my condition.
I also love to walk my dogs and love to shop, going thrifting is one of my fav things to do as you never know what you might find!

You do so many different crafts and cooking projects, which one is your favorite?
It really depends on my mood, some days I like nothing better than to work on a piece of embroidery, then other times I am really into sculpting some clay or sewing etc

What do you like to do when you're not crafting or cooking?
I love to spend quality time with my husband and close friends.
I love to interview great inde-artists on my blog and host giveaways, they are a lot of fun!
Watching sci fi movies and comedy shows, my fav is 3rd rock from the sun!
I love to take photos too!

Do you have any tips or advice for the masses?
Do what brings you happiness and joy in your life. Life is so short to be in a job/relationship/situation that you are unhappy with, so take baby steps to start creating the life that you want.

What/Who inspires you?
My husband, my friends, animals with their innocence and lust for life, nature, food, fashion, other indie designers.

Do you have a blog/website?
I sure do!
http://alovelylittledeer.blogspot.com/ my blog
http://www.flickr.com/photos/dollyday/ links to my active flickr account!

Bonus Question!
You are a self proclaimed SciFi nerd, if you were on lost in outer space, what scifi movie, book and show could you not live without?
It would be the whole box set of Star trek the next generation, without a doubt!!

Thank you so much for being such a great inspiration! I can't wait to see what your next adventure is. Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be pink and frosted with a hint of sass!
Such cute stitching! And those cookies. O M G. Made me hungry.
Aww, I love Becky. Great interview. xoxo
YAY !!!!!!! I am so excited for you Beck Beck !! I love you so much !!
xoxoxo Cuppy
Thank you so much for the interview and even more thank you for making my day with the lovely things that you said about me too!
Right back atcha!! xxxxxx
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