Yahoo! Friday! Get Funky! Oh yeah! The weekend is almost here and I am feeling good. I've started my weekend early by blasting The Clash in my office and dancing around for a little bit. Doesn't everyone do that at 7:30 in the morning? Anyhoo....here are some things that are making me feel good today. I hope they do the same for you!
This isn't really a website or a place to go but it's my playlist and it is making me so happy right now. I'm jumping around the office like I'm twelve again.
Do ya-ELO
Wild One-Those Darlins (we'll get back to these guys!)
Howlin' at the Moon-The Ramones
I fought the Law- The Clash
Train in Vain-The Clash
Head on -Jesus and Mary Chain
Everywhere at Once-The Plimsouls
Mr. FixIt-The Amazing Crowns
I was Wrong-Social Distortion
Give a Little Bit-Supertramp (I know, this it totally out of left field, but it makes me feel good)
Alright-Darus Rucker
And what EVERY girl has on any mix tape, CD, ipod-ABBA!-Any song will do!
Okay, so now that I have you moving your butt, dancing around, smiling, I want to introduce you to Those Darlins. They are a super sassy girl band with a southern twang. My friend Lori emailed me and said that this song reminds her of me and that she could see me singing it. I completely agree with her! I think this might be my new theme song. I instantly fell in love with them and had to check out the rest of their CD. It is amazing! If they are coming to a town near you, check them out.
Speaking of cute, I was cruising Flickr this morning and ran across the cutest little embroidery! It was stitched up by kunderwood. I love her hair!

I adore everything louiseblack does! Her corsets are amazing.

We have been having a heatwave in Portland this week. It's been anywhere from 90-107 this past week and incase you don't know, the majority of us in the Pacific Northwest do not do well with heat. So, when I saw Craft post a DIY for ice cream drumstitcks, I knew I had to make some.

Well, there ya have it!A few things to make you happy on this Friday. I strongly suggest to make your smile a little bigger- put on your favorite outfit, blast your favorite tunes and dance like no one is watching. It works for me!
Awwww, shucks! Thanks Pam!! ♥
Can you believe this heat?!? Here in So. OR we're used to hot summers, but SHEESH. Time for Mother Nature to back off. LOL.
Btw--LOVE Train in Vain, especially Dwight Yoakum's cover of it. :)
Oh my goodness! Dwight Yoakum singing Train in Vain. AWESOME! Off to find it.
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